

  • Web Developer
  • Designer
  • Artist


Now that I'm done with school I'm ready to take my next step in life. I would describe myself as hard-working, eager to learn, and easy going. I'm a team player when at work or in school and I get along with others. In school I never turned an assignment late, usually turning them in before they were due. I was a quick learner and never had trouble grasping a concept. At work I am always willing to help others. I follow the training that was given to me to complete my tasks as efficiently as possible."


React Draggable Todo App

This todo list app is made purely in React using functional components. It features the ability to add tasks, where each task has a message, additional notes, and color codes. The tasks can be expanded to show the notes by clicking the plus button, and are also draggable by dragging the three bars icon. The app also works on mobile with touch functionality. This was done on as a sketch so the code is easily accessible.

React Calculator

This React calculator uses if-else conditionals to solve its complex logic. The calculator allows for basic operations, where double negatives are also solved. The last operator selected is the one used, unless negative is selected. Repeat zeros are eliminated, and logic is included for decimal places. There is a max limit of 20 numbers per operand and a message is provided when that limit is reached. The equation display sizes automatically for long equations. The project was completed on

Coming Soon - Notecards

The focus of this project was to build a backend system that uses nodeJS and mongoDB as the database to allow a user to build their own personal notecards set. Currently in progress of building.

Coming Soon - Vegan Food Blog

Not started yet.


Write a function that takes a string of parentheses, and determines if the order of the parentheses is valid. The function should return true if the string is valid, and false if it's invalid. Examples "()" => true ")(()))" => false "(" => false "(())((()())())" => true

function validParentheses(parens) { if (parens[0] == ')' || parens[parens.length - 1] == '(' || parens.length % 2 !== 0) { return false; } else { if (parens.length > 0) { return validParentheses(parens.replace(/\(\)/g, "")); } else { return true; } } }
